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Plant reproductive success

Review your understanding of plant reproductive success in this free article aligned to NGSS standards.

Key points:

  • A plant that has more surviving offspring typically has a higher reproductive success.
  • Certain animal behaviors can help increase a plant’s reproductive success. For example, pollinators are animals that help flowering plants reproduce through pollination.
  • When pollinators feed on flowers, they transfer pollen from male to female flower parts. This can lead to fertilization, and the production of new offspring for the plant.
  • Many plants have special features to attract pollinators. For example, a flower’s scent may attract pollinators.
  • Animals can also help with seed dispersal, or the movement of seeds away from a parent plant. Seed dispersal increases the chance that a seed will grow in an area with plenty of resources.
  • Many plants have special features to help with seed dispersal. For example, some seeds have structures that help them stick to an animal’s fur. This allows the seeds to be carried to a new area.
A bee pollinating a flower. Image credit: “Bee pollinating a rose" by Debivort, CC BY-SA 3.0.

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