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Literary theme: Seeking a deeper message

A guide to finding the deeper meaning of a text
Have you ever read a book and noticed a common idea or message running throughout it? That’s the theme! Themes are the big ideas that authors explore in their works. They’re used to connect books and stories together and can provide a deeper understanding of the work. In this article, we’ll discuss what a literary theme is, why it’s important, and how to find it in literature.

What are literary themes?

A literary theme is a big idea or message that runs throughout a book or story. It’s the central idea or message that the author is trying to convey. An easy way to remember theme is to remember that:
Theme= The message of a story
Themes are typically expressed in a sentence. Themes may center around ideas like courage, justice, revenge, and love. Themes are often found over and over in all kinds of literature from different cultures and times. Many texts will have more than one potential theme. Some examples of themes might be:
  • Love always wins.
  • Hard work pays off in the end.
  • One true friend is worth more than many false friends.
  • It’s more important to be yourself than to fit in.
It’s important to know the difference between a theme and a summary. A summary tells you the main events and ideas of a text, while a theme expresses a universal message from a text.

How do I find the theme of a story?

Finding literary themes can be tricky, but there are a few things you can do to make the process easier.
  • Look for patterns. When reading a book or story, look for patterns or common ideas that keep popping up. These patterns could help you understand the theme.
  • Pay attention to characters. Characters can reveal a lot about a story’s theme. Think about how the characters’ actions or words reflect the author’s message. Another great technique is to pay attention to how characters change or what they learn throughout the story. For example, if the main character begins the story by lying about something, and then apologizes and tells the truth at the end, the theme of the story might have something to do with honesty.
  • Look for symbols. Symbols can be great clues to help you identify a story's theme. Pay attention to any symbols or images that stand out to you. Think about what they might be saying about the message that the author is trying to convey.
  • Think about the title. The title of a book or story can tell you a lot about its theme. Think about what the title might mean and how it relates to the story’s message.

Try it!

Practice: Theme
The North Wind and the Sun had a contentious quarrel about which of them was strongest. As they argued, a traveler, wrapped in a luxurious cloak, passed along the road below them.
The Sun proposed a contest. "Let’s agree that whichever of us can remove the cloak from that traveler is indeed the strongest."
"Okay," said the North Wind, immediately sending a frigid blast at the traveler.
As the Wind blew, the traveler tightened his grip on his cloak, wrapping it tightly around him to drive out the chill. Try though he might, the Wind could not remove the cloak from the traveler’s shoulders. Then it was the Sun’s turn. She began by shining gentle warmth on the traveler, and he soon unfastened his cloak, letting it hang loosely from his shoulders. As the Sun’s rays grew in strength, the traveler became so hot that he finally removed his cloak entirely.
What best describes the theme of the story?
Choose 1 answer:


A theme is the universal message that a literary text conveys. It’s different from a summary, which tells the main events of a text. One text can have multiple themes. You can figure out the theme of a text by considering how the main character changes or what they learn, thinking about the title, and looking for patterns and symbols.
Happy reading!. 📖

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