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Reflect: The path forward

Let's reflect on our learnings

Think about all the things you’ve written down over the course of these growth mindset activities: your goals, your learning strategies, and your possible support groups in times of transition, to name a few.
What are the top three things that you learned in the growth mindset activities and why are they important to you?
How would you teach a five-minute lesson on one of the topics that we've worked through together?
Possible lesson topics
  • What is growth mindset, and why is it beneficial?
  • Why can mistakes sometimes be good?
  • How can I overcome frustration in a meaningful way?
  • How do I write a goal and use it?
  • How do I make the most of uncertainty in my life but still continue to grow my brain?
  • How do I build more social belonging in times of transition?
To help you draft your lesson, we've included an outline and an example lesson below.
Let’s start out by writing our lesson objective.
What do you want to teach your class? Summarize it in one sentence.
At the end of the lesson, I want my students to be able to ___.
Example: "At the end of this lesson, I want my students to be able to see the importance of the learning process and truly believe that if they put the right effort with the right strategy, they can change their lives!"
What is the concept you want students to know?
Example: "Growth mindset is believing that your brain and abilities are not fixed and can grow with the right practice. Growth mindset helps us focus on the process of learning and practicing. Even if we don’t achieve the end goal, we still win because the process is what makes brain grow."
What is an example that you can use to show how beneficial growth mindset has been in your own life?
Example: "I wanted to try out for the basketball team this year. In the summer, I dedicated time to basketball practice. I even built an exercise regime and focused on skills that I lacked.
On days when the gym was not open, I did cross-training and weights. It was a hard process, and sometimes it was even difficult to get out of bed due to soreness, but I persisted.
Sometimes, I would play a pick-up game and lose terribly, but I overcame the frustration. When time came, I tried out for the school team. I made the team, but only second string. Even though I did not make first string like I had hoped, the practice and regime taught me a lot about commitment, and I hope that I can make the team next year."
Do you have a counterexample? Was there a time that you did not have a growth mindset, and it caused you to be less successful?
Example: "Since I was a kid, I hated running. I’ve always hated it and was convinced that I was terrible at it. Because I didn’t want to take the time to improve, because I assumed that I would always be terrible at it, I became even worse at it.
I really wanted to be a part of the basketball team this year, but because I did not have enough endurance to run up and down the court at the speed needed, I was set back. If I had changed my thinking about running and had not avoided it, right now I might be in a different position in my basketball career."
What is the key takeaway for your lesson? What do you want your students to do in the future?
Example: "You may feel like a failure now since you haven’t achieved what you want to achieve, but it’s not about the end goal. It’s about the process. You're just not there yet! It takes time."


You have completed the growth mindset activities!
These activities are part of the LearnStorm 2019 program.

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