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Reflect: Mistakes are opportunities.

Learning from mistakes.

In the previous part of this activity, Dave discussed in a video how he learns from his mistakes and makes his mistakes into something helpful.
Here are three types of mistakes and some strategies for transforming them into opportunities to grow your brain.

Slow-down opportunity

What is it?
A slow-down opportunity is an accident or a silly mistake. It may be caused by rushing your work. It's something you can fix on your own.
What can you do?
Slow down a bit, check your work a second time, and take a short break. Ignoring these mistakes in the short term could cause you to repeat them again and again—slowing you down much more in the long term.

Review opportunity

What is it?
A review opportunity is a medium-size mistake, something you don’t quite understand yet. But, you know where to look for better understanding.
What can you do?
There are major learning gains to be made by reviewing and reflecting on a concept you missed or misunderstood. Take some time to review, or reread the chapter. Look at your notes, watch a video, or take a hint. Take the time to look at a sample problem. Reflect on your mistake until you feel like you have mastered it and won't get tripped up again in the future.

Feedback opportunity

What is it?
A feedback opportunity is a bigger mistake. You can’t figure it out on your own, even when you review.
What can you do?
Don't allow your fixed mindset voice to take over. Taking the time to reflect on these types of mistakes is extremely valuable. By reflecting on these mistakes you are completing a huge piece of the puzzle in your brain. Raise your hand to ask your teacher, text a friend, go to tutoring, or ask someone to help you!
Sometimes mistakes can be categorized into multiple categories. For example, the first time Herman did poorly on his test was due to studying with the incorrect learning strategy. He could not figure out where he went wrong, so he went to tutoring to get pointers from his teacher on how to engage with the content in a more effective way.
The second time Herman did poorly was a slow-down opportunity. He wanted the test to be over, and he rushed, which led to him misreading questions and bubbling incorrectly. He didn't get a bad score because he didn't know the content, he just had to be more patient!

Let's reflect.

  • Write about a time when you tried your best and still made mistakes. How did you react?
  • Why can mistakes be detrimental to our learning and our brain growth?
  • Is there an example in your life or someone else's life of a time mistakes prevented you or the other person from doing something great? Describe the situation.
  • What are some mistakes you have made in the last few weeks? Categorize them into slow-down opportunities, review opportunities, and feedback opportunities.
  • What should you do next time you make a mistake?
Congratulations, you have completed all 3 parts of Activity 3: Connect, Learn, Reflect! These activities are part of the LearnStorm 2019 program.

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  • blobby green style avatar for user madison.littrell
    I make many mistakes in math when it comes to negative and positive signs. A slow down moment would be for me to take my time to make sure my signs come over properly. I can do this by staying focused, taking my time, and checking my work.
    (18 votes)
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    • primosaur seed style avatar for user Ian Pulizzotto
      I’m glad to hear that you are taking the time to check your work in math. This will pay off well for you in all your math classes. The next step is to look for efficient ways of checking your work. For example, if you are solving an equation for x, you can check your answer by substituting your value(s) of x back into the original equation and making sure the equation is true. Another useful way of checking an answer to a math problem is using a second method and making sure the answer is the same each time.
      (7 votes)
  • duskpin sapling style avatar for user Andrew Maximus763
    When I was first learning to skateboard I fell down despite knowing how to do it, I just wasn't putting in the effort because I was afraid. Mistakes can be detrimental to learning because we feel that we won't be able to do it at all.
    (11 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Williams, Elleigh
    I studied for a test but still made a bad grade, i was discouraged.
    Because they lead to consequences that can sometimes be negative.
    I was workin on a group project and we almost submitted it before it was done, thankfully we double checked and fixed the issue.
    I have procrastinated and been unmotivated to do my school work.
    I should tell myself to keep going, and finish my work.
    (9 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Mia Zamudio
    Next time I make a mistake I should learn from it.
    (9 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user garrettdaggett
    A time i failed and tried my best was during basketball tryouts last year i played my best but i got cut.
    Mistakes can be detrimental if we don't learn from our mistakes.
    A time a mistake kept me from doing something great is when i started my clothing brand i made a mistake by not having all the proper material.
    A mistake that i made in the past few weeks is not making sure that my school work was properly turned in
    Next time i make a mistake i should learn from it and don't let it happen again.
    (8 votes)
    Default Khan Academy avatar avatar for user
  • blobby green style avatar for user Lilly porter
    mistakes are good for your brain it shows you something that is not good and helps you the next time
    (7 votes)
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  • aqualine ultimate style avatar for user Troy.O.E
    I make lots of mistakes when I did math, when it was to subtract this, or add that, I was horrible at it,(lets face it) we all make mistakes when we do math, the basic thing this article is talking about, is to learn from your mistakes, and to improve better then next time. Like when you do a quiz and you mess up. You can revise your paper(just like in the article) and try again if theres a similar quiz to what you revised of thus, improving your score, and helping you get perfect A's(or B's!).
    (6 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user nitinsingh140224
    when you tried your best and still made mistake . how did you react ? what mindset did you do?
    (6 votes)
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  • starky ultimate style avatar for user Heltsley, Trinity
    When you make a mistake you just learn from it later on
    (7 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user RemingtonP
    I make many mistakes in most classes except gym and art. What do I need to do to get better at those subjects.
    (6 votes)
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