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Course: MCAT > Unit 3

Lesson 1: Foundation 4: Physical processes

Fluid mechanics: The tubular system in an aquarium


Administration at an aquarium are interested in improving the water filtration process for a series of tanks. In order to accomplish this, engineers arrange for unclean water to be collected in a large reservoir with a high-efficiency filter, as opposed to the multiple smaller filters that the aquarium currently uses. To accomplish this, a number of tubes are installed to collect water from individual tanks and transport it to the main reservoir.
One of these tubes is shown below (Figure 1). As depicted, water, an incompressible fluid, is flowing without turbulence through a tube that has different diameter sections seen in the diagram. The absolute pressure at point 1 is 220,000 Pascals and the speed of the fluid at point 1 is 8.0m/s. The radius of the tube at point 1 is 0.50m. The radius of the tube at point 3 is 0.25m. The radius of the tube at point 4 is 1.0m.
Figure 1. A singular tube that leads to the new filtration reservoir.
What would be the correct ranking of the speeds of the fluids at points 1,2,3,4?
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