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Fluid mosaic model of cell membranes

The Fluid Mosaic Model explains the structure of cell membranes. These membranes are composed of phospholipids, forming a bilayer with hydrophilic heads facing outwards and hydrophobic tails facing inwards. Proteins, glycolipids, glycoproteins, and cholesterol are embedded within this bilayer, creating a diverse "mosaic". The "fluid" aspect refers to the flexibility and movement within the membrane, maintaining separation between the cell's interior and exterior. Created by Sal Khan.

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  • piceratops ultimate style avatar for user Matthew Chen
    How do the phospholipids keep water from getting in between them?
    (11 votes)
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    • hopper cool style avatar for user Hopper Is Me
      The phospholipid has two different parts: the head and the tail. The heads are known to be hydrophilic, which means they like water. The tails are known to be hydrophobic, which means they hate water. So, the heads move outwards of the cell, and the tails move inward to the cell.
      And also, as Sal says at , the word lipid means "something doesn't dissolve so well in water." So, since the phospholipids can't dissolve in water, they are non-polar and water (a polar substance) cannot go through them.
      (20 votes)
  • aqualine seedling style avatar for user SpinosaurusRex
    What are integral proteins?
    (5 votes)
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    • old spice man blue style avatar for user shaqr
      An integral protein (also known as an integral membrane protein) is a protein that is attached to, or rather floating around in, the lipid bilayer of a cell. This includes transmembrane proteins which have been mentioned in other answers, but there are other types as well.
      (18 votes)
  • aqualine ultimate style avatar for user Madison. Colburn
    This is a little random but do cells breathe? I don’t know why this question popped in my head but it did.
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  • leaf red style avatar for user B L Ø Ø ᑐ | Я ᕮ ᑐ | Γ Λ L L
    You've gotta admit how COOL these depictions of various molecules and strucutures drawn by Khan are. Dude's a genius
    (12 votes)
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  • duskpin seedling style avatar for user Chloe
    What makes the hydrophobic tails hydrophobic?
    (5 votes)
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    • sneak peak green style avatar for user Jellyacejunior
      The hydrophobic tails consist of fatty acid chains (the lipids and for context the phosphate group is the hydrophilic head hence phospho - lipid). Fatty acids are nonpolar while water is polar. This is the same reason why oil doesn't dissolve in water. This segregation is driven by the tendency of polar molecules to interact with other polar molecules and nonpolar molecules to interact with other nonpolar molecules. Search dipole interactions if unfamiliar.
      (9 votes)
  • aqualine ultimate style avatar for user Harshvardhan
    what happens if plasma membrane ruptures?
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    • male robot donald style avatar for user Tybalt
      The cell dies. Not only does the membrane encase the cell, but it also allows for controlled processes like diffusion and active transport to take place. If the membrane ruptures, not only will the organelles spill everywhere, but the cell no longer regulates what goes in and what comes out of it.

      Does this help?
      (8 votes)
  • duskpin ultimate style avatar for user Haylee Weekes
    The way white blood cells know to attack germs (and viruses and other things) and not your own cells is because of glycolipids? The white blood cells "recognize" your own cells because their glycolpids are "familiar" to them, while germs's (et al) glycolpids are different so the white blood cells attack them?
    (3 votes)
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  • orange juice squid orange style avatar for user Elliot A. U.
    Why are the (hydrophobic tails) separated from water? Are they like a water resistant coat?
    (3 votes)
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    • winston baby style avatar for user Mason Smith
      The hydrophobic tails of phospholipids, which are a major component of cell membranes, are indeed separated from water. This is because they are “water-fearing” or hydrophobic. In the structure of a cell membrane, these hydrophobic tails face inward towards one another, away from the water solutions inside and outside of the cell.

      This arrangement forms a barrier that selectively allows substances to pass through, effectively acting like a “water-resistant coat” for the cell. However, it’s important to note that while this structure repels water, it doesn’t completely prevent water from passing through. Small substances like oxygen or carbon dioxide can still easily pass through the cell membrane.

      In a broader context, hydrophobic coatings are used in various applications to repel water. These coatings create a microscopic layer that prevents water from adhering to the surface, similar to how hydrophobic tails in cell membranes repel water. So, your analogy of a “water-resistant coat” is quite apt!

      In summary, hydrophobic tails in cell membranes repel water and form a protective barrier for the cell, much like a water-resistant coat. This property is also utilized in various applications through hydrophobic coatings.
      I hope this helps😊
      (8 votes)
  • duskpin seedling style avatar for user Chloe
    I still don’t understand how the hydrophobic tails are hydrophobic
    (3 votes)
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    • duskpin ultimate style avatar for user 💜PURPLE4VICTORY💜
      Because the tails of phospholipids are hydrophobic, they are inside of the inner region of the membrane to escape the water from the inside and outside of the cell--think of the tails being in a sandwich with the "bread" being the hydrophilic heads. Because the heads are hydrophilic, they prefer being on the outside layer and on the inside layer of the cell (where they will be in close contact with water.) I hope this gives a better understanding of the hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts of phospholipids.
      (5 votes)
  • leafers ultimate style avatar for user Dooder
    Is the center of a phospholipid bilayer completely dry?
    (3 votes)
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Video transcript

- [Voiceover] Let's explore the Fluid Mosaic Model of cell membranes. Now, why is it called the Fluid Mosaic Model? Well, if we were to look at a cell membrane and just to be clear what we're looking at, if this is a cell right over here, and this is its membrane, it's kind of what keeps the cell, the inside of the cell, separated from whatever is outside the cell. We're looking at a cross-section of its surface, Where down here, this is inside the cell. If we look at it relative to this diagram, this is inside the cell, and this is outside. And when you zoom in, and this little part right over here, this is actually a phospholipid bilayer that forms it. And so when you hear that you might say, well, what is a phospholipid? And that's a good question. Because when you understand what a phospholipid is, it starts to make sense why it would form a bilayer like this, and why it's the basis for so many membranes in biological systems. So this is indicative of a phospholipid and as its name implies, and let me write that down, this is a phospholipid. It's a lipid that involves a phosphate group. And in general the word lipid, and we have a whole video on lipids, means something that doesn't dissolve so well in water. And that's true, as the case of this phospholipid, you have these hydrocarbon tails that are coming from fatty acids, and so these hydrocarbon tails, they have no obvious charge or no obvious polarity. We know that water's a polar molecule that's what gives it its hydrogen bonds, and it's attracted to itself. But these don't have those, and so they're not going to be attracted to the water and the water's not going to be attracted to it, to them, and so these tails are hydrophobic. So you have hydrophobic tails, and these are really kind of the lipid part of the phospholipids. And then you have the phosphate head right over here, and as you can clearly see, this has some charge. Charged molecules do well in polar substances like water. They're going to dissolve well, and so this part right over here, is going to be hydrophilic. And actually molecules that have a hydrophilic part and a hydrophobic part, there's a special word for them. Amphipathic, a word that I sometimes have trouble saying. So phospholipids are Amphipathic, which means that they have both a hydrophilic end, a part that is attracted to water, and a hydrophobic end, that is not attracted to water. And hopefully that starts to explain why they organize themselves in this way. Because you could image, the hydrophilic heads are going to want to be where the water is, which is going to be either outside the cell or inside the cells. And the tails are hydrophobic, the water's going to go away from them or they're going to go away from the water and so they're just going to face each other and they're going to be on the inside of the membrane. But the really cool thing is, a structure like this, having this Amphipathic molecule, allows things like these bilipid, these lipid bilayers, I should say, to form. And it's actually fascinating. You would think that if you go far back enough, even before life in cellular form, formed, that you might have had phospholipids spontaneously forming these spheres where you have a bilayer, a lipid bilayer. So you could imagine something, let me see, if I drew a cross-section, let me see if I can draw it relatively neatly. So, I think I'll draw half of it, just because you get, well I'll draw the whole thing and hopefully you get the idea. So that would be one layer of the phosphate heads facing the outside. This is the inner layer, and I'm doing a cross-section right over here. And then you have your hydrophobic tails, let me do that in a different color. So your hydrophobic tails, I think you get the picture. We have a bunch of hydrophobic tails on either end and then you could spontaneously form a structure like this which starts to feel like, hey, well maybe there's a protocell forming. And obviously to actually have real life you have to have some form of information that can be passed on, and you have to have some type of metabolism, and the cell is living, and all of the definitions of life. But at least this basic structure of the cellular membrane you could imagine how it forms in a pre-life state even, by virtue of Amphipathic molecules like a phospholipid. So fair enough. We're able to form this phospholipid bilayer, but what are all these other things that I have drawn here? Well, these are proteins and these are examples of, this is a protein right over here, this is a protein, this is a protein, and I just drew some blobs to be indicative of the variety of proteins. But the important thing to realize is, if we think of cells, there's all of this diversity. There's all of this complexity that is on, or embedded, inside of its membrane. So instead of just thinking of it as just kind of as a uniform phospholipid bilayer, there's all sorts of stuff, maybe if we view this as a cross-section, there's all sorts of stuff embedded in it and we see it right over here in this diagram. You could say there's a mosaic of things embedded in it. A mosaic is a picture made up of a bunch of different components of all different colors, and you can see that you have all different components here, different types of proteins. You have proteins like this, that go across the membrane. We call these transmembrane proteins, they're a special class of integral protein. You have integral proteins like this, that might only interact with one part of the bilayer while these kind of go across it. You have things like glycolipids. So this right over here, this is a glycolipid, which is fascinating. It lodges itself in the membrane because it has this lipid end, so that's going to be hydrophobic. It's going to get along with all of the other hydrophobic things, but then it has an end that's really a chain of sugars and that part is going to be hydrophilic, it's going to sit outside of the cell. And these chains of sugars, these are actually key for cell-cell recognition. Your immune system uses these to differentiate between which cells are the ones that are actually from my body, the ones I don't want to mess with, the ones I want to protect and which cells are the ones that are foreign, the ones that I might want to attack. When people talk about blood type, they're talking about, well, what type of specific glycolipids do you have on cells. And there's all sorts of, that's not all we're talking about when we talk about glycolipids as a way for cells to be recognized, or to be tagged in different ways. So it's a fascinating thing that these chains of sugars can lead to such complex behavior, and frankly, such useful behavior, from our point of view. But you don't just want to have sugar chains on lipids, you also have sugar chains on proteins. This, right over here, is an example of a glycoprotein. And as you can see, when you put all this stuff together, you get a mosaic, and I'm actually not even done. You have things like cholesterol embedded. Cholesterol is a lipid, so it's going to sit in the hydrophobic part of the membrane and that actually helps with the fluidity of the membrane, making sure it's not too fluid or not too stiff. So this is cholesterol, right over there. So you see this mosaic of stuff, but what about the fluid part? And I just talked about cholesterol's value in making sure that it's just the right amount of fluidity. What's neat about this, is this isn't a rigid structure. If this thing were to be jostled around a little bit or maybe it would be plucked-out somehow, the phospholipids would just spontaneously re-arrange to fill in the gap. You could imagine these things are all flowing around. That this membrane actually has a consistency of oil or salad dressing. So it isn't like a rubbery texture, like you might imagine, or a membrane, like a balloon. It's actually fluid. These things can move around, but even though it's fluid, it's good enough to separate the two environments. The environment inside the cell from the environment outside of the cell. And that's where the name Fluid Mosaic Model comes from.